Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tagged...... Oh my

8 things that are interesting facts about me. HMMMMMM...... I am not sure I can think of 8.But here goes.

1) I do not like my food seasoned, just salt and pepper... chips, chips, crackers, cheese, oh yeah,,,, I do not like stringy cheese, yuk.... Always have the pizza run through twice actually you get more cause no one wants to eat burnt pizza

2) I loved to go to Marsha's to eat. She makes the best sausage casserole and she demonstrated what a wife and mother should look like. It was important to me that the three amigos have this role model in their life at an early age. I believed home cooking was the next Bob Evans or the Thanksgiving meal you could purchase at Foodtown. Doing laundry was teaching them how to use the washer and dryer. Ironing was supervising them so they didn't get burned. Taking care of them when they were sick was to send them to school so the nurse could have them lay down, take their temperature and then call me to come pick them up.

3) I secretly wish for a housekeeper and cook, can be one person who can multi task or two people who shine in each category. I would like to have a gardner or just someone to mow and trim my yard. The problem with being single and old is you need someone to put your lightbulbs in.

4) I love mystery shows, but most of all I love HGTV ( i think that is right) I would love a house filled with antiques. A big house. Hence the need for number 3

5) I would like to be independently wealthy, I would love to go whenever I wanted to and buy things I like without the guilt. Not all the time but now and then. I wish I could spend the next few years visiting with my grandchildren. I am really getting tired of working.

6) I love all of the things that Martha Stewart demonstrates, mostly I envy her dishes and crocks. I have tried to imitate some things and that is exactly what it looks like.

7) I love to read, Max Lucado is one of my favorites. One day I would like to write a book. My title would be Walk in My Shoes if You Can Find a Pair.

8) I used to be an electrical draftsman, so if your phone doesn't work just right, oops

Whew that was taxing, I am sure there is more but no sense boring anyone.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Movin, movin, movin.......

On the road again, la,la, la, la, la, la road again...... hmmmm hmmm. Sing it with me and if you know the words then go ahead. I hear the music but somewhere the words are lost and I am unable to retreive them. So I am always someone you want to have to start the crowd singing and then pull me in to make a big ending. Same way with names. I can recall what you wore last tuesday but not your name. I thought by keeping my children's names simple, John, Tom, Kim, that I would have no problem but that was not to be. I ran the list each time I wanted one to do something. John said until he graduated he thought his name was Johntomkim, when they called his full name he hesitated before he stood. (he is such a kidder) ha

If you have read his blog you know he is moving. For me I am sad and awfully proud of his accomplishments. To think at his age he would be making a great wage and lots of perks. His sister was talking about his year book and what he had been most likely to do when he graduated. They voted a TV Evangelist. I guess Rod Parsley and Joel Olsteen can rest for a little while longer. Life has a way that it takes us to new and unusual places and opens doors to adventures and exciting opportunities if we let it. I have been the risk taker with my career all trying to maintain employment and earn a wage that I could raise my family. I have made some mistakes and not made good choices but in the end I can only say I don't think I would change much. I have had opportunities to live in new places, work with wonderful people and I can usually count on seeing someone I know whenever I am at a place or town I have worked before.

I think about this move for John, better known as Big Daddy Huffledink, that he will be going back to an area he has worked before, a church he attended, and this time with his family. And for his wife an opportunity to live near her grandparents and aunts and cousins. It offers their children to meet and spend time with this side of their family. So I may not like the move but I am glad they will get this chance.

Branching out is scary but oh so nice if you are learning and sharing. So I am saving my vacation and saving money for tickets so I can visit. I have never been to the big D as the Big Guy put it.
I am shopping for a cowgirl hat and some chaps to wear on my flight to see them. My thought is if I am looking a little, well, ok, a lot out of place I can have the seat next to me. So adios, goodbye, so long, and remember to send me the new address and the phone number. Don't make have to hunt you down, I am your mom you know.?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Have you ever hit a button and before you could really think through what might happen your finger hits it and yikes, oh --------. Well, that is what I did. I thought I would just edit my last post and that was my first mistake. So with the click of my keyboard all of my historical writings were gone. Poof,, somewhere in cyber space floats about a years worth of words. So be sure to read everything before you take an action, check all the fine print before doing anything, and make sure that if the worse happens you can still save the process. So I have picked myself up, well not litterally, but with a great amount of effort I have struggled to my feet and brushed my frustration off and ready to try this again.

I have been moving from site to site staying updated on what everyone is doing and wow, one family is moving, one person is going on vacation soon for the second time, and one family is struggling with life's challenges. Just a typical day in the neighborhood.

I am tying to prepare for the end of one program year and enter into a new year of services. This year promises to be a challenge. I will finally have an office to call my own, well, the county is providing me a space to use. I cannot move out of my car fast enough. Most of my paper work is dog earred from having it slide from one side of my car to the other. Or my trying to catch it before it flys on the floorboard when I stop too fast. I am sure the next time I turn in a report they will be thrilled when they no longer have to read through the coffee stains. I decided that I am professionally challenged. I went to work the other day with what I thought was reasonably presentable. I grabbed my briefcase and keys and as always threw it in the car and raced down the street. I was fine until I stopped at a traffic light and looked down at my shirt. You see, I thought I had black slacks on but no I had navy blue. My top was black but it was knit and on the sleeve was lint, not a little but a lot. Well, I think it is too late to go back I will try the old scotch tape technique and rid myself of the lint and with luck I will station myself behind my desk. YEP, you guessed it. A meeting was called and so on the way I am plotting how to get into the conference room with my briefcase covering my lower half as I am ripping the tape off my sleeve. So I am one of the firsts there and I sigh with relief until I look at my feet and find that I am wearing one blue knee high and one black. Well, at least I am consistent, it could have been one brown one.

I have decided that I am never going to have Martha Stewarts flare for putting together the shabby with class look, nor will I have Better Homes seal of approval. I will always fall short of perfection and most likely just be average. Of course, I don't want to quit striving to be better but I do want to be less concerned if I ever reach that level. So tomorrow I am going to choose my clothes carefully, check my knee highs and shoes then pull out of my garage with my head held high hoping I don't forget to comb my hair.